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Ungrouped & Buyable Club Door
I don’t know what it is about EA putting huge decals on windows, but here you have the Get Together club door with the group logo decals...
Semipermeadoor Recolored
I have another Get Together recolor for you all today, the ‘Semipermeadoor’ doors. I do plan on recoloring all GT doors, this is the...
Easy Energy Expresso Bar Recolors
As soon as I saw this coffee bar I knew I had to recolor it, so here you are to match my counter recolors. You have two counter top...
Alpha Beta Phong Cabinets & Counters
This is my favorite set of cabinets and counters, so I figured why not recolor them! You have two counter top versions, one black one...
All Dolled Up Skin Detail (M&F)
This is my second attempt at a skin detail. This time it is available for both genders and all ages. When used with the EA default skins...
The Drum Set - Chair
Just a little drum set conversion from Sims 3 for @simdoughnut . Since he needed one for his new build. This functions as a chair....
Seat of the House Bar Stool Recolors
Here are a few more recolors for Get Together, the Seat of the House Bar Stool. You have two versions included in one .package, one black...
Banners and Flags Recolors
Here are a few more recolors for Get Together. I chose my favorite design from the ‘Salute hanging flag’ and ‘Club Banner’ and recolored...
Dessert Display Recolored & Resized
I don’t know about you, but I hate that everything in Sims 4 is huge! Do I really need a muffin the size of my head? Well... maybe. So I...
Hard Boiler Chair Recolors
Something about this cute egg like chair got me inspired to do a recolor overhaul of all the Get Together items. Included in this .zip is...
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